Winter 2025 Yoga and Whole Hearted Health Class Schedule
In Person at Flowering Heart Yoga
13112 Bikle Rd. Smithsburg, Maryland
and Online on Zoom
Yoga Class Schedule
Thank you for visiting the class schedule page for Flowering Heart Yoga. As you move through the seasons, a yoga practice can complement the rhythms of each season enabling you to flow through the year more gracefully. Through these changes, a yoga practice can allow you to balance activity and rest, effort and ease, strength and flexibility. By tending to yourself you will access more energy so you can extend yourself out to others and to the world. With all the things we must do in life, yoga can be a way to have time for self focus and self care planned into each week to create balance in your life.
Below you’ll find the current and upcoming schedule of Classes and Playshops. As you peruse the offerings, I hope you’ll find the level of Class or Playshop at a time and location that is convenient for you. I also offer specially scheduled Classes and Playshops for groups as well as individual lessons upon request. I am always open to suggestions so more people can enjoy the benefits of yoga, so please let me know what you need.
Please note: Even if a class session has already begun, there is often space for you to join. Please inquire through email or phone about availability and price.
I hope you enjoy the beauty of nature, whatever the season, have enjoyable times with loved ones and count all the blessings in your life. Be well!
The source of light, love, joy and peace within me salutes all of that within you and in that place we are one.
5:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. level 1
Winter Session Begins January 7th
$18 per class when signing up for the month, $20 per when paying for an individual class
10 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. Mixed Level – This is a hybrid class with some students attending on zoom and others in studio
Winter Session begins January 2nd
$18 per class when signing up for the month, $20 per class when paying for an individual class
5:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. Mixed Level
Winter Class Session begins January 2nd
$18 per class when signing up for the month, $20 per class when paying for an individual class
7:30 P.M. – 9:00 P.M. Yoga Basics for Men – no flexibility required ;~)
It’s your chance to be with other guys who want to get going with yoga and build strength and flexibility. And then it’s topped off with relaxation (without guilt, remote control is optional)- who doesn’t need that?
Winter Class Session begins …. when there is a minimum of 5 men who are ready to roll.
$18 per class when signing up for the month, $20 per class when paying for an individual class
10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. special conditions/prenatal (also appropriate for level 1)
Class Session begins when there are at least 5 people who request this class
There is a minimum number of 5 students to hold a class, so the commitment you make by sending in your registration helps determine whether the class will be held. Space at Flowering Heart Yoga is limited to 10 participants in each class. When space allows, the per class fee is $20. Please call first for information on availability of space in classes if you wish to drop in.
Preregistration at Flowering Heart Yoga is required.
To secure a space, please send a check with the
registration form payable to:
Simone Heurich
13112 Bikle Road
Smithsburg, MD 21783-1487
When you register, if you do not hear from me, you have a space reserved for you in the class. You will be notified only in the event your first choice is full.
Please call if you want to verify directions to Flowering Heart Yoga
All yoga supplies are available for your use at Flowering Heart Yoga. You are also welcome to bring your own yoga mat if you prefer.
Cancellation Policy for classes at Flowering Heart Yoga: Full refund if cancellation is more than 1 week before session begins; Full refund less $30.00 after 1st class; No refunds will be made after the 2nd class unless there are extenuating circumstances. In the event of inclement weather call 301-739-3330, 2 hours prior to class for Flowering Heart Yoga cancellation notices. |
Are you interested in receiving occasional email updates about Flowering Heart Yoga offerings? Send your request via your preferred email address to We respect your privacy and do not share your name and information. It is kept confidential. You may unsubscribe from the occasional (read, infrequent) messages at any time. Another option is to subscribe to the RSS feed on the Flowering Heart Petals page. In addition, you can be a fan of Flowering Heart Yoga on facebook and be informed of upcoming events as well as find a resource of yoga practices, such as short videos, that can be relevant, beneficial and fun.
Instead of calling these classes “workshops”, I like the idea of calling them “playshops.” Playshops are a wonderful way to create a more vibrant body, peaceful mind and joyful heart. They weave together time tested practices and holistic modalities to expand your horizons and renew, restore and replenish yourself.
Upcoming Classes for Whole Hearted Health
Free Introductory Talk – This Can Be Your Year to Flourish and Thrive! How To Get From Where You Are Now To Where You Want To Be – Create A More Vibrant Body, Peaceful Mind and Joyful Heart to Flourish and Thrive in Your Life.
Date: Tuesday January 14th 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga or Online on Zoom
Through my passion to learn about creating optimal health and what stands in our way to do this, I will share the numerous ways we are thrown off course causing us to not feel the energy and vitality that we would like, keeping us from feeling amazing and not fully enjoying our lives.The good news is that it doesn’t have to stay that way for you! I will also share the tools, both ancient and with our most current understanding, that support us to release what we don’t need and nourish ourselves with what creates health.
Please call me at 301 730 -3945 or email me at to register
Loving Yourself Into Wellbeing – A 6 week journey to Loving YourSelf more fully to heal and thrive through exquisite Self Care
Just as Michaelangelo said that the statue of David was in the marble all along, to reveal him, the sculptor just had to carve away everything that was not David. And the Course in Miracles tells us that the meaning of love cannot be taught, but what we must do, is to remove the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence. So, we often need to take away the unnecessary to uncover the essential. This is some of what we will do to find your way to Loving YourSelf Well.
In this 6 week program, I share in understandable ways both the current science and ancient wisdom traditions, which have been my passion to study and apply over the last half century. We will explore and experience how our wellbeing is an inside job and we can have an incredibly profound effect on our level of health, vitality and joy in life.
Through many simple and practical ways you will see ways to personalize and support the various facets of your being (body, mind, emotions, energy body, soul) with foundational practices to uncover and remove what is in your way to express your beauty more fully, influence the systems of your body to create more radiant energy, function more optimally, and ways you can orchestrate these aspects of your Whole Self with actionable steps to create a more vibrant body, peaceful mind and joyful heart.
My belief is that the information in this program has the potential to be transformational, healing and life changing.
Please join me as I share a smorgasbord of body, mind and spirit processes and tools to create wellbeing on all levels. We will expand your repertoire for more optimal and Whole Hearted Health and inspired Self Love. Through our practices, we will cultivate the following:
Increased Self Awareness
Expanded Capacity for Self Love and Acceptance
Incorporate Nourishing Self Care Practices
Grow a More Vibrant Body
Abide in a More Peaceful Mind
Nurture a More Joyful Heart
Potential Days and Times: Mondays 10:30 AM – 12 PM OR Tuesdays 5:00 PM -6:30 PM
Location: Hybrid Class on Zoom or in Person at Flowering Heart Yoga
Soothe Your Body, Soothe Your Mind
A mini retreat to release stress through deep yogic relaxation. You’ll feel like you went on retreat, through gentle and restorative yoga poses, breathing practices and the deep relaxation process of yoga nidra. This is an amazing way to rebalance your whole system and restore your energy.
Date: Saturday, January 25th, 2023 Time: 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $30 or $35 if received after January 17th, 2025
Soothe Your Mind, Restore Your Soul
A mini retreat to release stress through the yogic practices of breathing, Mantra and Meditation. You’ll feel like you reset your brain, through gentle movement, breathing practices and the exploration of sacred sounds to center your mind. This is an amazing way to rebalance your whole system and bring more resilience to your everyday life.
Date: Saturday, February 22nd Time: 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $30 or $35 if received after February 15th, 2025
Cleaning Up Your Act – Stepping on the Path of Detoxification
This 4 week class is an opportunity to open the systems of elimination of your body that cleanse you through foods, herbs, and nutrients, essential oils, as well as self massage and acupressure. Each week we will focus on the one of the following systems: Kidneys and Bowels; Lymphatics; Liver and Gallbladder; Blood, Lungs and Skin. We will also talk about how to cleanse your home and your environment of toxins so you can minimize the toxins you are taking in. In essence, you are spring cleaning yourself.
Dates: February ?? – March ??
Time: Day and Time to be determined
Location: Hybrid Class, either on Zoom or Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $
Growing Self Awareness – Reflective practices to bring quietness and clarity to your mind and a deeper connection to your heart.
Dates: TBA
Time: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $
Cultivating Self Love and Acceptance – Practices to release judgement and criticism and create a deeper appreciation for yourself.
Dates: TBA
Time: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $
Practicing Nourishing Self Care
Date: TBA
Time: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $
Please call (301) 739-3330 or email me ( with any questions you have.
From Where You Are Now To Where You Want To Be – Create A More Vibrant Body, Peaceful Mind and Joyful Heart to Flourish and Thrive in Your Life In this 6 module program beginning in January and ending in June, we will explore in more depth the various ways you can reduce and remove the interferences to feeling fabulous and the many ways to restore your health to experience a vibrant body, peaceful mind and joyful heart. Through incorporating consistent health supporting habits, routines and a frame of mind to create optimal wellbeing you will flourish and thrive. I am so excited to share with you all that I have learned (and continue to learn) and apply. And along with my coaching you also get the knowledge and support of the amazing group that you will be a part of. In addition, by meeting once a month, you have a whole month to implement and apply the health supporting skills you will be learning. I will always be just a phone call or email away if you would like additional support.
Dates: Saturdays – TBA
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $195 for all 6 modules or a payment plan of $35 per month. The early registration price is $180.
Topics include: Growing Your Self Awareness; Cultivating Self Love and Acceptance; Practicing Nourishing Self Care; Developing a Vibrant Body; Abiding in a Peaceful Mind and Nurturing a Joyful Heart. There will be a whole menu of practices and skills that you can try out and find what works for you!
Spruce Yourself Up For Spring – Spring Mini Retreat
Transition into the spring season with a more vibrant body, peaceful mind and joyful heart. We will explore simple self care techniques that will cleanse, restore, nourish and energize you, including detoxification and fermented foods. We will also create balance through intelligent movement, mindfulness, relaxation and include nourishing food for you to sample.
Date: Saturday TBA Time: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga Fee: $65 or $70 if received after
Yoga In and Out of the Garden
Learn practical ways you can find more comfort through the practice and principles of yoga, both in and out of the garden.
Date: TBA Time: 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga Fee: $30 or $35 if received after
Yoga for Women of All Ages
In this workshop, you will learn how to create balance in body, mind and spirit for all ages and all stages of life.
Date: TBA Time: 9:00 PM – 12:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga Fee: $35 or $40 if received after May 6th
Growing Self Awareness – Reflective practices to bring quietness and clarity to your mind and a deeper connection to your heart.
Date: TBA Time: 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $30 or $35 if received after
Cultivating Self Love and Acceptance – Practices to release judgement and criticism and create a deeper appreciation for yourself.
Date:TBA Time: 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga Fee: $30 or $35 if received after
Practicing Nourishing Self Care
Date: TBA Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $30 or $35 if received after
Developing a Vibrant Body
Date: TBA Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $30 or $35 if received after
This playshop is a gift to you and those you love. We are all in relationship and we can all benefit from learning how to allow love to flow to us and through us more fully so we can receive and give the love that is always within and around us. This playshop is appropriate for anyone who wants to experience more love – if you dare.
Date: TBA
Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $30 or $35 if received after
Abiding in a Peaceful Mind
Date: TBA Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $30 or $35 if received after
Nurturing a Joyful Heart
Date: TBA Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $30 or $35 if received after
Sign up for all 7 Whole Hearted Health Classes and pay the special reduced fee of $185.00
Crazy About Nuts and Seeds
We know about the importance of whole foods, especially certain nuts and seeds, which have the beneficial fats that we need for optimal health. But, how to incorporate them aside from snacking on them? From Breakfast to dessert, it is amazing what you can do with nuts and seeds. I am excited to share easy ways to incorporate a variety of nuts and seeds in smoothies, flat breads, pates, sauces, and low glycemic desserts, so hopefully you’ll be crazy about nuts and seeds too.
Date: TBA
Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $35 or $40 if received after
Soothe Your Body, Soothe Your Mind
A mini retreat to release stress through deep yogic relaxation. You’ll feel like you went on retreat, through gentle and restorative yoga poses, breathing practices and the deep relaxation process of yoga nidra. This is an amazing way to rebalance your whole system and restore your energy.
Date: TBA Time: 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $30 or $35 if received after
Soothe Your Mind, Restore Your Soul
A mini retreat to release stress through the yogic practices of breathing, Mantra and Meditation. You’ll feel like you reset your brain, through gentle movement, breathing practices and the exploration of sacred sounds to center your mind. This is an amazing way to rebalance your whole system and bring more resilience to your everyday life.
Date: TBA Time: 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $30 or $35 if received after
Whole Hearted Health for the Holidays
Please join me as I share all the amazing and delicious recipes I enjoy to bring you wellbeing through the Holidays. From appetizers through desserts, there are ways to eat well with healthy substitutions that will satisfy your tastebuds and others’ palates as well this Holiday Season.
Date: TBA Time: 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $50 or $55 if received after
Creating Wellbeing through Ayurveda, the Science of Life
As you look around and notice there are many shapes and sizes of people don’t you wonder how there could be a perfect food or diet or lifestyle for everyone? Please join me as I share the wealth of knowledge of the ancient system of Ayurveda which considers the unique nature that we are born with; and learn to apply the wealth of knowledge to create balance in your food and lifestyle choices. You might be pleasantly surprised to know that you intuitively already show a preference for the elements that are health supportive for you.
Date: TBA Time: 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $30 or $35 if received after
Winter Mini Retreat – 1:30 PM – 5:00 PM at Flowering Heart YogaJust like much of nature in the Northern Hemisphere withdraws its energy from the outer world in winter, we too can replenish our energies by stepping back from every day life. By retreating from the outer world you can nourish and restore yourself deeply through the practices of yoga. Poses, pranayama breathing, meditation, mantra and deep relaxation will allow you to harmonize your body, mind and spirit in this season and then move more gracefully through the year. In addition to the benefits you receive from this program, you will be benefitting a deserving student who meets the criteria for the Charas Heurich Memorial Award Fund, as all proceeds benefit this Fund. Your tax Deductible check for $45 is made payable to the Community Foundation of Washington County MD. Please include in your memo it is for the Charas Heurich Memorial Fund. Feel free to call Simone at Flowering Heart Yoga (301 730 3945) for more information. |
Upcoming Classes for Whole Hearted Health
Growing Self Awareness
Date: Saturday, TBA Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $35 or $40 if received after
Cultivating Self Love and Acceptance
Date: Saturday, TBA Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga Fee: $35 or $40 if received after
Practicing Nourishing Self Care
Date: TBA Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $35 or $40 if received after
Developing a Vibrant Body
Date: Saturday, TBA, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: 35 or $40 if received after
Abiding in a Peaceful Mind
Date: Saturday, TBA, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $35 or $40 if received after
Nurturing a Joyful Heart
Date: Saturday, TBA, 2015 Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $35 or $40 if received after
Sign up for all 6 Whole Hearted Health Classes and pay the reduced fee of $150.00
Whole Hearted Wellness through the Seasons – Spring Cleaning is not just for Your Home -Transition into the spring season with a more vibrant body, peaceful mind and joyful heart. We will explore simple self care techniques that will cleanse, restore, nourish, and energize you. We will also create balance through intelligent movement, mindfulness, relaxation, including nourishing food that is prepared for you and recipes to take home with you.
Date: TBA Time: 10 AM – 4:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $75 or $80 if received after
Don’t Be S.A.D. – Yoga and other strategies to keep your heart light, your mind clear and reduce the winter blues
Date: Saturday, TBA, 2015 Time: 2:30 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga Fee: $30 or $35 if received after
Download the Workshop flyer and registration form here.
Sweet Dreams – Yoga and other strategies to refresh your body and mind
Date: Saturday TBA, 2015 Time: 2:30 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $30 or $35 if received after
Download the Workshop flyer and registration form here.
Body, Mind and Soul Soothers Restorative poses and yoga nidra to deeply relax and renew.
Date: TBA Time: 2:00PM – 4:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $25 or $30 if received after
Beginning Belly Dance with Susan Worley Learn belly dance basics with a long time dancer and wonderful teacher in 4 fun, laughter-filled sessions.
Dates: TBA Time: 10:00AM – 11:00 AM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $55 for all 4 classes, or $15 per class.
A Taste of Yoga
In this introductory class you will have the opportunity to try out basic poses, breathing and relaxation techniques.
Date: TBA Time: TBA Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Yoga For The Health Of It
Classes perfect for your special conditions – adapted poses and therapeutic techniques for well-being.
This yoga class is perfect for you if you have a special condition that you would like to improve or find more comfort with. We will modify poses for a variety of needs, such as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and chronic fatigue. We will also utilize therapeutic techniques in poses to create better alignment, more strength as well as flexibility with foot, knee, hip, back shoulder and neck problems. Whatever your unique situation is, my hope is that you will leave this class with some specific ways to feel better.
Date: TBA Time: 10 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart yoga
Yoga at Work
In this workshop, you will learn how to adapt simple yoga poses to create more comfort and ease for yourself in your daily life, wether you work at a desk or spend most of your time standing.
Date: TBA Time: TBA Location: TBA
Ouch Free Yoga
This yoga class is perfect for you if you have a special condition that you would like to improve or find more comfort with. We will modify poses for a variety of needs, such as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and chronic fatigue. We will also utilize therapeutic techniques in poses to create better alignment, more strength as well as flexibility with foot, knee, hip, back shoulder and neck problems. Whatever your unique situation is, my hope is that you will leave this class with some specific ways to feel better.
Date: TBA Location: Flowering Heart Yoga Fee: TBA
Exploring The Chakras
Lighten up your being through yogic practices which bring awareness and balance to these subtle energy centers.
Fee: TBA Date: TBA Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Water Yoga The best of both worlds – yoga in a warm water pool.
Date: Summer of 2013 Time: TBA Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $12 per class
Deepening Your Practice Dive into the practices and experience the richness of the many facets of yoga.
Date: TBA Time: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $95 or $90 if registered by
Treat Yourself to a Retreat
People who fall in love with yoga and the wonderful blessings it brings to their lives often want to immerse themselves deeper into a yoga practice. Many people, myself included, also enjoy exploring new places and having new adventures. For many, travel and yoga is the best of both worlds. It allows one to travel both outward and inward, expanding your experience of yourself and the world around you. To this end, I love to share travel and retreat with like minded people and periodically offer the opportunity to do this. Below you will find the upcoming programs that are on the calendar. In addition, I am open to your input on places you would like to go. Past yoga adventures (which I would happily entertain again) have been swimming with wild dolphin in the Bahamas and exploring the beaches and Mayan ruins in the Mayan Riviera in Mexico. Future trips I would love to offer are: Costa Rica, Ecuador, Brazil, Italy, England, Greece, India, Hawaii, St. John USVI and lots of other places that have an abundance of nature and culture.
Please be in touch with questions or suggestions so we can live our dreams.
Celebrate Summer Retreat
Please join me to create a vibrant body, peaceful mind and joyful heart as we celebrate the beautiful expansiveness of summer at Flowering Heart Yoga. Details will be available soon about the week end retreat being held Friday June 20 – Sunday June 22.
Winter Mini Retreat
Align with the highest within yourself and live more purposefully through the practices and principles of yoga. Poses, pranayama breathing, meditation, kirtan and deep relaxation will give you a fresh start to 2014.
Date: February 8th, 2014 Time: 2:00 PM – 5:30 PM Location: Flowering Heart Yoga
Fee: $45. All proceeds to benefit the Charas Heurich Memorial Award Fund. Your tax deductible check is made payable to Community Foundation Washington County Maryland/Charas Heurich Memorial Award Fund and send to Simone Heurich. Please call for more information.
Download the Workshop flyer and registration form here soon.
Mayan Riviera
Winter 2015
Please call or email for details of this warm winter get away with as much adventure or relaxation as you want.
Magical Journey to Machu Picchu
Experience the Spiritual, Traditional, Cultural and Mystical Wonders of Peru
Future Date to be announced
Isn’t this on your list of must visit places in your lifetime? It is on mine! Please join this magical journey to the ancient and mysterious land of Peru. We’ll be immersed in both nature and culture, with time for yoga, and relaxation. Please email me or call 301 739 3330 for information to be sent to you.
Adirondack Yoga Adventure
Date to be announced
Comfortable accommodations in a unique, historic property with extraordinary privacy and breath taking views on magnificent Lake Champlain. Immersed in nature, nourish your body, mind and soul with the many facets of yoga and local explorations. Please email me or call 301 739 3330 for a brochure to be sent to you.
Types of Yoga Classes
Yoga for Special Conditions classes consist of easy warm-ups and poses that are introduced at a slower pace than Level 1. This class is ideal for people with chronic symptoms such as illness, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, seniors, and people wanting to reclaim comfort and vitality. It is also appropriate for pregnancy and postpartum. This is also in Playshop format as Yoga for The Health Of It.
Level 1 – Foundations classes introduce students to breath awareness, as well as the basic principles of optimal body alignment. We come to the practice with great acceptance of where each of us are starting from, always moving toward more comfort, never toward pain. All classes are meant to be interactive with dialogue and communication of questions is highly encourged. Emphasis is on increasing the participants awareness and understanding of their own body, creating a balance of strength and flexibility, and moving toward more comfort and balance. We are also increasing our focus and bringing the mind more present to deepen our ability to be aware. Relaxation techniques are always included, as we all need to release stress from our body and our mind.
Mixed Level – Yoga for Everybody classes are open to all students and explores poses through basic principles that apply to those completely new to yoga, as well as those who have done some yoga previously, yet still want to participate at a basic level. Variations and adaptations are always offered to give more or less challenge when are needed.
Level 2 classes focus on refining details in the poses as well as building more strength and endurance with slightly more challenging poses and more intricate versions of the poses. Sun Salutation and some other simple posture flows are included. Completing a Level 1 session is helpful, but not necessary if one has good body awareness and is relatively pain free.
Level 3 classes expand the repertoire of poses and includes some deeper back bends and preparation for inverted poses, as well as the inverted poses. Completing a Level 2 class would be helpful and ideally having detailed knowledge of one’s own body, without excessive limitations.
Prenatal yoga can help to create more comfort and ease aches and pains, empower you to cope better with labor and give you time to relax and restore yourself. The yoga poses are adapted to accommodate where participants are in their pregnancy. Approval from your doctor is recommended, especially for first trimester pregnancies. Yoga for Special Conditions classes can accommodate pregnant women, as can Level 1 or Mixed Level.
Postpartum yoga can help you nurture and restore your body, recover your strength and muscle tone. Participants should be at least 3 weeks postpartum (6 weeks if they’ve had a caesarean) and have their physicians permission to resume exercise. Yoga for Special Conditions classes can accommodate women who are newly postpartum.
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10:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. Wednesday Morning Wellness
Begins: TBA
Please join me as I share a smorgasbord of body, mind and spirit practices to create Wellness on all levels. We will draw from yoga practices, such as breathing and meditation, time in nature, intelligent movement, and other holistic health practices to expand your repertoire for more optimal and Whole Hearted Health. Please contact me with your questions, your interest and your availability. Thank you!