A Hearty welcome to all from Flowering Heart Yoga and Whole Hearted Health!!!
Thank you for using your precious time to visit this web site. Here you will find a bit of information and opportunities to attend programs that will increase your HQ (happiness quotient) as you experience a more vibrant body, peaceful mind and joyful heart.
My teenage interest in health turned into a passion and it has has never stopped growing through all these years. When you care about people as I do, teaching becomes a natural avenue to share all that I continue to learn and apply in my own life. My great desire is to pass this on so others can experience more wellbeing on all levels.
I began teaching Whole Food Cooking Classes in 1992 and have had the good fortune of professionally teaching yoga classes since 1994, though I’ve been doing yoga since 1971. I am grateful to teach smaller classes, as it allows me to tailor the class to my student’s specific needs to ensure they see a real benefit from my classes, as there is no “one size fits all.”
Did you know the word yoga comes from the Sanskrit language and means to yoke or join together? It represents a joining together of opposites to experience unity, wholeness, and harmony. There are many practices in the Yoga Tradition that allow us to do that. Through paying attention in the practice of hatha yoga, (which is where most of us start) we can begin to see the interconnectedness of our body, mind, and breath, realizing we are already whole and complete. And that is another way to experience a vibrant body, peaceful mind and joyful heart.
If you’re interested in doing or continuing yoga, please visit the schedule page with the various yoga class offerings at Flowering Heart Yoga near Smithsburg, as well as the classes in Hagerstown on Mount Aetna Rd. Also, you can find offerings at Hagerstown Community College, both for Continuing Education and Credit. My hope is that you will find a class that is right for you in a location that is convenient to you.
Also, please check the Playshop page as well as the Whole Hearted Health page to see the variety of ways you can create balance in body, mind, and spirit. I am excited to share the rich tradition of yoga with you, as well as the amazing knowledge that is presented in the other programs that I teach so you too can create a LIFE YOU LOVE LIVING.
Namaste, the word people use in India when they meet or part, means the truest part in my heart sees and honors the truest part of you in your heart and in that true vision, we are not separate, we are one.